Sunday, July 28

Unspeakable Feelings: Reply of the Child to His Parents

I cried a lot. This unspeakable feelings which I felt when I heard the "The letter of Mother and Father" or "Ang Sulat ni Nanay at Tatay", in Tagalog, being played in one of our Church gatherings. Maybe I am unlucky compared to others because I was not given a chance to meet my biological father but I am thanking God Almighty for giving me a very kind step father.
Unspeakable Feelings/; Reply of the Child to His Parents
source: youtube: "Ang Sulat ni Nanay at Tatay"
The letter reminded me of how worthless child I was. I was not became good to my parents. I was a spoiled brat! I was thinking only of myself . I used to disobey and gave them worries. I was careless about what they would feel. Because of the teachings, I realized those stupid things I did to them. The saying is really true "Repentance is always at the end". If only I could turn back time.

I had wasted so much time! I know I gave them so much troubles but there's unspeakable feelings inside me which tells me that I love my parents so much. I am not showy. I know that I am not the only one in this world who has the same feelings like I do. Past is past. It is not too late. As long as they are alive, there is chance to show them the respect and love that hides in me for such a long time.

I want to reply to the letter but I am not good in poetry. Thanks be to God that Kuya Daniel Razon already has very nice and touching replies which is "Answer of the Child to his Parents" or "Sagot ng anak sa Kaniyang Magulang", in Tagalog.
Unspeakable Feelings/; Reply of the Child to His Parents
source: FB: Kuya Daniel Razon
There is a way to show our unspeakable feelings. Words coming from our mouth are not enough. Because of the regular preachings of Bro. Eliseo Soriano, I am reminded to show love and respect not only to my biological parents but also to my parents in faith.

Sunday, June 30

Survive A Storm: Unexpected Pregnancy!

Survive A Storm
Photo by: TJ Dultra/ Photoville International
"How will I survive a storm?" utter by all unprepared women. Just to think of it! Being mother at a young age is very difficult especially to those who are hiding their situation. She will suffer morning sickness, becomes more sensitive and worse she will face all kinds of problems!

I want to share the story of a college student. She was in the last quarter of her 4th year college life when she found out that she was pregnant. First she felt nervous! She did not know what to do. She was worried about her studying, what her parents would feel, the reaction she will get from her teachers and friends and what future her child would have. She thought of leaving her boyfriend, the father of her child because she wanted to carry all her problems alone. Then she started blaming him, herself and the world! But the good thing was, she never thought of killing her life or the child's life!
Survive a Storm: Unexpected Pregnancy
Source: google/search/unplanned_pregnancy 
There are situations in our life which sometimes we really do not know what to do and what to think! Whom to run to and to talk to or where we can find a storm shelter. But life must go on! We must, anyhow, survive a storm at any cost! So being unpreparedness in whatever reason will not ruin ones life. Good advise from parents and friends could at least lessen the burden.

Most of us rely on human interaction. To survive a storm, first we are looking for somebody to cry on. But we rarely realize that there is a safe room where we can talk to Somebody who are at all the times ready to listen to us. Humans, sometimes, are naturally so busy with so many things. But that Somebody that I am telling is God Almighty whom we can have conversation with anytime secretly in our safe room which is "our heart". We should have strong faith for us to survive a storm!

Thursday, April 18

A Childless Couple

Can we say that those childless couples are unlucky? Some people would say they are because it's a curse to them, for some it's destiny, or for some it's hereditary problem, etc but whatever it is, we need to know the reason behind that and the truth.

Children completes a family. That's absolutely true! Without them, any houses are seems to be a haunted house. But we need to consider also those who do not have kids in their houses but still they have a happy atmosphere inside their home. I'm sure many people already ask God why he's giving child to those incapable and irresponsible parents. Why not me? Why not you? Why them? What if He says "Why not?" Yes! Why not!  

I read this two verses from the Bible which I found very interesting;
Childless Couple
Photo by: Cris Tengcoy/ Photoville International

Psalm 127:3
King James Version (KJV)

"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."

Luke 23:29
King James Versions (KJV)

"For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck."

Our children are gift from God according to the 1st verse while in 2nd verse, childless couples are blessed. They have different views but we can feel the love of God in those verses.

Another inspiring Words of Wisdom which will give hope to everyone.
A Childless Couple
Words of Wisdom from Bro. Eli Soriano

If we will only think in the positive ways, those childless people will feel lucky for themselves!

Wednesday, April 17

Mother and Child Relationship: An Inexplicable Feeling

"I miss my kids!" said by almost all mothers in the world. A truly an inexplicable feeling, the mother and child relationship felt by moms especially those who are very far away from their child/children. I said "almost all mothers" because in reality not all of us are mothers. There are women who are lack of capacity to bear a child but despite of that they learn to love someones child like their own. In contrast, there are women who have capacity to bear a child but due to some reasons, they do not love their child so they are committing abortion, selling their kids, sending them for prostitution etc.

I recommend everybody to watch this short video The Miracle of Human Creation to have a brief idea on how the Inexplicable Feeling connected to the Mother and Child relationship.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 (KJV)

"As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child; even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."

^_^ (Our generation is very lucky because our ancestors do not know how a child is formed) 

Mom's unconditional love over her child is priceless. Although there are some moms who never appreciate that feeling but in general we could say that moms have this unbelievable love towards her child. As the video shows, bondage already started inside the mother's womb. They are connected to each other. So that would explain why a mom misses her kids more than anyone else.

A heart breaking story of Desiree Acosta, whose picture shown below, would give us enlightenment on how she manage to survive her trials for her daughter.
Mother and Child
Bro. ELi Soriano Inspires Hope for Former Peruvian Actress
A mom changes for good because of that inexplicable feeling towards her child, an unbreakable mother and child relationship.